January 04, 2021
In-house agencies in 2021 have a lot to look forward to. Our latest field study shows that 75 percent of advertisers now have internal creative teams and the majority of digital marketing is being produced in house. The formerly heated debate over in-house vs. external agencies is becoming a …
December 21, 2020
Due to the ongoing pandemic, many in-house agencies have faced reduced resources, budgets and timelines. It’s unclear what the “new normal” post-COVID will mean for our teams, but what’s certain is the requirement to be more relevant and effective for our partners and the business overall. …
December 07, 2020
The original plans we had for 2020 didn’t exactly pan out as we anticipated. Everyone has been affected. And, for creative folks working in the retail and consumer packaged goods industries, there have been some very specific challenges: studios have effectively shut down, production schedules have …
November 30, 2020
“Either you believe you are creative, or you don’t. And either way, you’re right.”
That insight from in-house agency leader Don Lane captures the spirit of the 2020 IHAF Conference & Awards: CREATIVITY UNLEASHED. In other words, anyone, regardless of title or job function, can think creatively and …
October 26, 2020
Behind every in-house agency is a mix of partners and providers in key support roles. Several of them deserve our thanks for their generosity in helping to bring the fast-approaching IHAF Conference & Awards to life. Find new solutions to keep your team effective and agile—meet the sponsors behind …
October 12, 2020
Forget the “now-more-than-evers,” the mute button fails and all that you think you know about virtual events. The 2020 IHAF Conference & Awards is something entirely different! In four short weeks, our biggest event of the year moves from Beantown to Streamtown so in-house pros across the globe can …
September 28, 2020
Ever since we were kids, we learned the power of a great story. Pocahontas. Pinocchio. Old Yeller. And, the good ones stick with us for a lifetime. Is your in-house team looking for a way to tell better stories? Look no further than your own customers. Done right, customer stories can lead to …
September 14, 2020
For a long time, we’ve said that our job is to “put butts in seats.” And, we mean that literally. Our parent company owns the Utah Jazz basketball team, a minor-league baseball team, a chain of movie theaters, 65 car dealerships, and more. That’s a lot of seats in need of butts!
Then, COVID-19 hit …
August 31, 2020
Is in-house programmatic ad buying the next big thing for brands? In IHAF’s 2019 study, published in partnership with Forrester Research, 18% of in-house agencies reported having a programmatic media function. In contrast, Accenture Interactive and the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s report notes …
August 17, 2020
Budget cuts and hiring freezes are the current reality for many marketing and creative groups. And, as we all know, the work continues even when resources are low. So, many of our clients are looking for solutions that allow them to continue to move at the pace their business requires, without …