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What Awards Season Looks Like in 2020

The IHAF Conference & Awards is going virtual this year, and that includes our ever-popular awards show. While your in-house agency balances big social change with business as usual, here’s how awards season is adapting to the new normal.

Perhaps the biggest change is the call-for-entries process for our In-House Creativity Awards. All creative work across all categories will be submitted and judged digitally this year. Even hardcore print purists will appreciate the speed and convenience this shift offers. So, what do all-digital submissions mean for your in-house agency?

Easy Entries. The In-House Creativity Awards competition features work your team produced last year, so the hard part is over. And, since even your print projects will be submitted as digital files, there’s no need to gather physical pieces—no mounting-and-mailing necessary. Simply upload your entries in digital form or submit them via USB.

Extended Deadline. Our call for entries is open now, and we’ve extended the typical annual deadline. This year’s due date is July 24, which gives you more time to gather your best work from wherever you are. With the extended deadline, there is no late-entry period (and no late-entry fee) this year. Just remember that summer flies; don’t let the call for entries close without you!

Virtual Showcase. Attendees loved the digital displays at last year’s awards show. In fact, some of you called for even more screens showcasing the work. With this year’s virtual event set-up, you’ll have a screen all to yourself—plus, three uninterrupted hours to browse the full stash submitted for this year’s competition. Enjoy each piece at your own pace, from the comfort of your desktop.

Nearly 40 Categories. Less is changing when it comes to this year’s entry categories. We’ve made a few adjustments but, by and large, the 38 different print and digital categories should look familiar. Is your team a direct mail berserker, or do you shine on social? Can you squeeze every last drop out of a shoestring budget, or do you deserve praise for an idea your client didn’t pick?

If your in-house agency reached the pinnacle of performance when it comes to creative excellence, we’ve got an award (and an awards show) for you. For the full facts on how to enter the fray, here’s a link to our Entry Details. Gather the best of your best and upload it soon. We look forward to admiring your work!

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