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Never Tried Temp-to-Hire? Now Is the Time.

Budget cuts and hiring freezes are the current reality for many marketing and creative groups. And, as we all know, the work continues even when resources are low. So, many of our clients are looking for solutions that allow them to continue to move at the pace their business requires, without burning out their current workforce.

Enter temp-to-hire. If you’ve never tried hiring contract-to-permanent before, now is a great time to start.

Strong talent is available and wants flexibility. In this climate, we have a robust network of marketing, creative and advertising professionals open to temp-to-hire opportunities. With the uncertainty of school schedules, WFH, etc., top talent is prioritizing the kind of flexibility that temp-to-hire affords.

Your work will get done. Now. Many of our clients have realized that waiting until we “get back to normal” to hire FTEs is no longer a viable option. Particularly if your brand sits within one of the sectors experiencing a boom during COVID. (CPG. Healthcare. Puzzles, anyone?) Hiring contract-to-permanent ensures you have the staff on hand now to keep your initiatives moving.

Measure twice. Onboard once.Temp-to-hire bakes in the expectation of performance. And, if all goes well, you’re only onboarding once versus hiring a freelancer and then conducting a full-time search.

You may have the budget for contract hires. FTE budgets on hold? Maybe until 2021? Rather than wait and continue to do more with less, a contract hire often comes from a flexible workforce budget, typically easier to approve and a different “bucket” than full-time.

Keep your current team motivated. Bringing on resources to appropriately manage the workload isn’t only good for your business, it’s good for your team. A contract-to-permanent hire enables you to bring in the right people immediately and keep your team’s morale, productivity and energy up.

Want to explore this hiring option? Let’s talk.

Mary Truslow is Managing Director at Communications Collaborative, an IHAF supplier member and New England placement agency specializing in creative and marketing roles. This post was first published July 2020 on the Communications Collaborative blog.

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