• How to Validate Your Creative Instincts and Sell Your Best Work

    May 03, 2021

    There is an exciting new way to measure how people truly think and feel about creative content. For the first time ever, your in-house agency can tap into subconscious emotions to bolster consumer insights, validate your creative instincts and sell your best work.

    This new science was built on …

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  • The IHAF Awards: It's a Whole New Year

    April 19, 2021

    • by Jens Peterson, IHAF

    We have a confession to make. When IHAF boldly declared that the IHAF Awards show must go on last year, we didn’t immediately know what the experience would be like as a virtual event. But we put our faith in the camaraderie of our connected community and received a flood of entries (mid-pandemic, …

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  • Covid or Not, It's Time for Virtual Creativity

    March 29, 2021

    It’s time to challenge a basic assumption in the creative community—that brainstorming sessions are more productive in person. That, and the idea that some things like the energy in the room, being able to look into each other’s eyes, and feeding off each other’s energy all make for a better …

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  • IMF Creative Uses Psychology to Design for Safety

    March 01, 2021

    What color is safety? Or, caution? How can good design keep people healthy during a pandemic? These are questions we, at IMF Creative, have been asking ourselves over the past year.

    IMF Creative is the in-house agency at the International Monetary Fund, and we’re responsible for many of the visual …

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  • Digital Marketing Matures In House

    February 15, 2021

    • by IHAF Staff

    IHAF recently released its annual benchmarking report, Debunking the In-House Myth. Fielded in partnership with Forrester Research, the study focuses on the degree to which in-house agencies are involved with digital marketing—assessing the digital marketing maturity of in-house teams today.

    The …

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  • How Connected TV Fits in 2021 Media

    January 18, 2021

    The growth of connected TV usage has accelerated exponentially giving way to further consideration for ad dollars this year. In 2019, media buyers began realizing CTV’s potential as viewing increased and advertising opportunities and products expanded. In 2020, viewership and advertising dollars …

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  • What's Next for In-House Agencies?

    January 04, 2021

    • by Emily Foster, IHAF

    In-house agencies in 2021 have a lot to look forward to. Our latest field study shows that 75 percent of advertisers now have internal creative teams and the majority of digital marketing is being produced in house. The formerly heated debate over in-house vs. external agencies is becoming a …

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  • Tools & Technology: Your Creative Advantage

    December 21, 2020

    Due to the ongoing pandemic, many in-house agencies have faced reduced resources, budgets and timelines. It’s unclear what the “new normal” post-COVID will mean for our teams, but what’s certain is the requirement to be more relevant and effective for our partners and the business overall. …

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  • Staying Creative Amid the Challenges of 2020

    December 07, 2020

    The original plans we had for 2020 didn’t exactly pan out as we anticipated. Everyone has been affected. And, for creative folks working in the retail and consumer packaged goods industries, there have been some very specific challenges: studios have effectively shut down, production schedules have …

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  • Are You Listening? If Not, You’re Missing Great Stories

    September 28, 2020

    Ever since we were kids, we learned the power of a great story. Pocahontas. Pinocchio. Old Yeller. And, the good ones stick with us for a lifetime. Is your in-house team looking for a way to tell better stories? Look no further than your own customers. Done right, customer stories can lead to …

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