April 07, 2014
New developments in programmatic trading over the last few years offer in-house agencies advanced insights about audiences, allowing greater transparency into how much is being spent (to what effect) and where, as well as breakthroughs in media efficiency. Yet, most in-house agencies are missing …
March 31, 2014
The digital journey for most in-house agencies has been a dizzying one, to say the least. At last year’s IHAF Huddle discussion group series, the topic of digital and social media came up often throughout our five-city tour. On the one hand, the journey can be exhilarating as we embark on new ways …
March 03, 2014
Brand is such a far reaching term, and its meaning has evolved dramatically over the past decades. Years ago, brand most likely referred to the logo or identifier a company used to distinguish itself in the marketplace, plain and simple. But when consumers began seeing more brands in more marketing …
November 13, 2013
Mark McKenna, Putnam’s Head of Global Marketing, highlights trends in advisors’ use of social media and explores the idea of data collection to enhance sales capabilities, creating opportunities for industry innovation. Hear the highlights of recent research on social media.
November 11, 2013
Over the past few years, technology, growth and demand in the digital space have exploded. And while these changes are exciting, keeping pace can be a challenge—particularly when it comes to in-house agency talent.
To be successful in the digital arena, you need the right combination of experience, …
September 11, 2013
This month IHAF is all about creativity and while we certainly would love to talk through all the ways we love to be creative, we have found, as you may have as well, that the creative process often starts as not that creative at all.
It is typical that the best creative emerges out of extensive …
September 09, 2013
The IHAF team is almost entirely focused on designing and executing programming and content to enable the success of our members. We plan events, schedule speakers, collect data, issue reports, develop tools, facilitate discussions, enable networking—all of which is intended to advance the internal …