“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better do better.”
– Maya Angelou
The world has never seemed more intent on creating greater diversity, equity and inclusion than it does now. And while that’s a wonderful ambition, wanting to do something is different from having the will to do what it takes. Action is what leads to results.
TiltCP was born with a clear purpose. That purpose wasn’t only rooted in doing great creative work for our partners, but in how we do it.
As a business leader and a Black man, it was my belief that our purpose to create a better way needed to start with the people—curious people from a variety of backgrounds who all share a desire to leave the state of the world better than they found it. My goal has been to find those thinkers and makers and empower them to do just that.
With an abiding belief in finding a better way, we approach every person, partnership, project, production and, yeah, even profit with three clear ambitions we call The Power of +:
1. Think Together. It’s common knowledge that to remain strong in business one pursues a strategy of diversification. In one’s personal finance it’s the same. So why does that concept seem revolutionary when it comes to who you hire for your business, how you work and who you make your money with? A diversity of ethnicity, gender, minds and experiences absolutely leads to better solutions. So, we believe in getting the right people involved early. Approaching challenges together allows us to leverage that diversity of expertise. Undoubtedly, how we choose to begin has a significant impact on where we end up.
2. Make Better. Driving better results requires different approaches. That means the value of diversity and inclusion needs to be baked into every step of the process. It can’t just be an add-on. If one happens to be still working in the old factory model, a series of hand-offs with a smattering of diverse talent sprinkled in the front or the back of the process but not throughout, it will be impossible to deliver the type of creative problem solving that achieves results.
3. Maximize Good. Good is the gold that’s produced with true inclusion of the diverse talents of the team. True inclusion, however, can only be achieved with trust in knowing that you have the full support of your team. With trust comes a superpower that allows one to more deeply think together with the team, integrate better results and create good that benefits the three Cs: clients, colleagues and community.
When these three clear ambitions are woven into the DNA of your business and life, the impact is unmistakable. The importance of and responsibility that we have in reshaping our businesses are immense. So are the opportunities.
Tilt Creative + Production is an IHAF supplier member and an In-House Agency Roundtables sponsor. Visit their website to learn more.