Shortly after “the social network” that eventually became Facebook launched from a college dorm across the river, the first-ever in-house agency network was born. That’s right, I’m talking about IHAF. And while we didn’t know it at the time, in the years that followed, the in-house model would rise to prominence in ways that even our most-enthusiastic charter members couldn’t have predicted.
Over the past 17 years, IHAF has become the destination for in-house professionals to gather, grow and learn together—sharing successes, deciphering challenges, and bonding over both. Building a close-knit, connected community is one of the core principles upon which IHAF was founded. And it continues to be among the most-valued benefits our members trumpet today.
Spending time with so many of you in person again at this year’s IHAF Conference & Awards, I can truly say that your collective enthusiasm was palpable. From speakers to sponsors to event attendees, the wants, needs and opinions you shared have inspired the IHAF team to come up with new ways to support you and your team in the new year.
Introducing Member Meetups. A brand-new offering, Meetups are informal, virtual forums where IHAF members bring real-time issues to the table for an open exchange with like-minded peers. These facilitated drop-in conversations promise to be as informative as they are interactive. Dates for Member Meetups will be posted on our program calendar shortly after the first of the year. Attendance is free for IHAF members. All we ask is that you preregister so we know who to expect at each individual session.
We’re also excited to be headed back out on the road in 2023, with our In-House Agency Roundtables resuming as in-person events—plus one virtual session for those who prefer to participate remotely. These dynamic discussion groups are held at members’ offices across the country, offering the opportunity to get to know other IHAF members in your local area. Interested in hosting a roundtable in May or June? Email me soon to let me know; planning is actively underway.
Of course, these are just two of the offerings you’ll hear about in the coming year. There’s more in the works that we’ll keep you apprised of as dates and content are confirmed. In the meantime, we encourage you to reach out to your fellow members on your own. The IHAF LinkedIn Group is available for you to post questions and connect with others 24/7/365. If you’re looking to meet someone specific, let us know—the IHAF team is here to help.
With the in-house model better and brighter than ever, and energy and enthusiasm levels high, there’s no telling what more the new year will bring! I hope you continue to be motivated to make new connections with the diverse network that is yours through IHAF.
My sincerest thanks for your participation as a valued member of our storied community. I look forward to working alongside you in the coming year. Happy holidays—here’s to a bold and bright 2023!